Resolution Video, Inc. and Collaborative Testing Services, Inc. (CTS) have agreed to join efforts on providing Forensic Video Analysis and Forensic Audio Analysis Proficiency Testing services. Resolution Video will be the Approved Supplier of testing materials for these proficiency tests and CTS will handle all portions of the administration and operation of the proficiency tests. This joint effort will begin in 2023 and hopefully continue well into the future.

For more information, and to enroll in next year’s proficiency testing program, click here.

Resolution Video will continue to offer proficiency tests to laboratories wishing to conduct internal audits of their audio and video programs as well as custom proficiency tests including comparison analysis and automobile year, make and model examinations. For more information, please contact us at

Internal Video Analysis Proficiency Tests
Proficiency Tests from earlier years are available for use by forensic laboratories to conduct internal quality assurance exams of their forensic video analysts.  We offer analog and digital video tests that assess the analysts ability to examine either an analog videotape or a digital video file.  The tests come with a target response key and are intended to be reviewed internally.  If you are interested in ordering internal quality assurance video proficiency tests, please place your order online.

Cost is $425 per test. 

Internal Audio Analysis Proficiency Test
Proficiency Tests from earlier years are available for use by forensic laboratories to conduct internal quality assurance exams of their forensic audio analysts.  We offer analog and digital audio tests that assess the analysts ability to examine either an analog recording or a digital audio file.  The tests come with a target response key and are intended to be reviewed internally.  If you are interested in ordering internal quality assurance audio proficiency tests, please place your order online.

Cost is $425 per test.

Analog Video Examinations
This test is designed to measure the ability of the analyst to accurately make a working copy of the original, accurately determine the total number of cameras in the system, the ability to locate and track a subject of interest, and the competence to extract images from the video evidence.

Please contact us for more information or email the team directly.

Due to low enrollment, regular Analog Video Examination Proficiency Tests will no longer be available. If you are in need of an Analog Video Examination Proficiency Test, please contact us at for more information on internal proficiency tests.

Accredited Laboratories

Resolution Video follows a quality assurance program for the creation, distribution, and evaluation of our proficiency testing process. However, we are no longer an approved proficiency test provider by ANAB. Laboratories accredited in the multimedia disciplines and using a Resolution Video proficiency test to satisfy requirement AR 3125 will need to submit FM 3041 to ANAB before the proficiency testing process is completed.

This process is described mid-page: